Nashville Voyager

Jun 12, 2024

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Hidden Gems: Meet Vanessa Faddoul of Ahimsa Haircare

Today we’d like to introduce you to Vanessa Faddoul.

Hi Vanessa, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I’m excited to share my journey with you. My passion for yoga has been an essential part of my life over the last few years, but along the way, I noticed that my daily practice was taking a toll on my hair. I started thinking, “There must be a better way to care for my hair while embracing my love for yoga.”

That’s when the idea for Ahimsa was born. My husband and I decided to create our hair care products from scratch, focusing on being gentle and effective. We wanted to ensure our products aligned with yoga’s non-violence and holistic wellness values. Our vision was to offer natural, non-toxic hair care solutions specifically designed for yoga enthusiasts and people with active lifestyles, ensuring their hair gets the protection and nourishment it needs before and after yoga sessions.

A little bit about me—I was born in Puerto Rico and grew up in the vibrant city of New York. My career path initially led me to law, but after my family and I moved to Tennessee, I found myself drawn back to my roots and passions. My commitment to my family and yoga practice has always been Ahimsa’s driving force and inspiration. Creating Ahimsa has been an incredible journey, and I’m so grateful for the support and love we’ve received from our community. Our mission is to help others care for their hair as naturally and lovingly as possible, just as we do in our lives.

Would it have been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Like any journey worth taking, we’ve faced our fair share of obstacles. Starting Ahimsa during the pandemic was particularly challenging. We had to navigate supply chain issues, which sometimes made sourcing ingredients and packaging quite difficult. Additionally, breaking through in a crowded market has been challenging, especially with little experience in social media marketing. Finding our customer base and building a loyal community has been a significant challenge, but each hurdle has only strengthened our resolve and commitment to our vision. Despite these struggles, we’ve learned so much and have grown stronger because of them. We’ve had to be creative, persistent, and patient, and it’s been gratifying to see Ahimsa resonate with people who share our values. Each step of the journey has brought us closer to our goal of providing natural, holistic hair care for those who need it most.

As you know, we’re big fans of Ahimsa Haircare. What can you tell our readers who might need to be more familiar with the brand?
Our approach to hair care is all about embracing the yogic principles of Ahimsa, which means non-violence and compassion. We believe what we put on our bodies should be as gentle and nourishing as what we put in them. That’s why we’re committed to using only natural, non-toxic ingredients in our products, carefully selected to promote healthy hair and scalp without harming the environment.

Our product line is specifically tailored to the unique needs of yoga enthusiasts and individuals with active lifestyles. Whether sweating it out in a hot yoga class or enjoying a brisk outdoor run, our products are designed to protect and nourish your hair before and after your activities. Our hair care products, from daily shampoos to hair-healthy styling products, are formulated with all-natural, sustainable ingredients. They are crafted clean, gentle, and free of harsh chemicals. Even our packaging is recyclable and eco-friendly aluminum.

Ahimsa is also a community. We’re dedicated to fostering connections and supporting our customers’ journey to healthier, happier hair. Through our social media, journal, and outreach, we provide valuable tips, inspiration, and encouragement to help you look and feel your best, inside and out.

Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
Perseverance has been crucial in overcoming the obstacles we’ve encountered. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of starting a business during a pandemic or finding our footing in a competitive market, we’ve learned to keep pushing forward, even when the road ahead seems daunting. Every setback has only fueled our determination to keep moving toward our goals, no matter what.

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